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CAPS Manufacturing's X9 coating is a is a progressive concept for pump and compressor bearings.  X9 is a multiphase, heat cured, Dry Film Lubricant (DFL) composed of polymers and solid lubricants.  These constituents improve wear resistance and reduce friction associated with marginal lubrication events.


When applied to the running surface of bronze, the bearing fatigue resistance is improved and can carry more load than a traditional straight bronze, or bronze-babbitt bearing.



Sometimes referred to as bimetal bearings, these bearings traditionally have a bronze backing with centrifugally cast babbitt lining.  The babbitt lining provides superior embeddability and conformability against misalignments or foreign debris in the oil stream.  Babbitt also has a low coefficient of friction which helps reduce extreme wear during journal contact.


Babbitt is the most forgiving of all bearing materials, and has thei highest reserve properties, however its fatigue strength is lower than that of a traditional bronze.



Bronze is the most common bearing material and is used in many applications, covering virtually all industries.  Most bearing grade bronzes have a substantial portion of lead and/or tin suspended throughout the material matrix that create self-lubricating properties .


This gives bronze a superior advantage over steel during catastrophic events, extreme wear, or fatigue.  Our material is no different, we use only the performing best bronze for your application.



Aluminum is a common bearing material where weight reduction is important.  It is also a virtually inert material and has a high resistance to oil oxidation.  Aluminums reserve properties similar to bronze and it exhibits superior performance compared to steel during catastrophic events.


Designer must pay attention to contact pressure and thermal growth of the bearing during operation due to its high coefficient of thermal expansion.  But Aluminum’s relatively affordable, and stable, cost make it an attractive bearing material.



Another common bimetal bearing is steel-babbitt.  Because steel is affordable compared to bronze or aluminum, it is often used where pricing is highly competitive and reserve properties are not important.

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